Free Essay: The breakup of the union was inevitable. With both the North and the South on the edge. The South was determined to defend its way of life:...
Was the American Civil War Inevitable? The civil war was inevitable, only however, after one key event; the cotton gin made the civil war inevitable. The invention of the cotton gin in 1793 was the key element which enabled the south to have sufficient vested interest in their traditional li...
Free Essay: William Howard Taft was president in the 1910’s and served as the 27th president of the United States until 1913. His tendency to contemplate...
It feels like these were a couple of saboteurs, doing the same thing Richard Spencer did in 2016 to damage Trump. Don’t forget, when Breitbart died, it was Bannon who had been prepositioned to take the reins of the news operation. And when Jeffrey Epstein wanted to rehab his ...
Scholars often trace concern around high fertility and population growth as threats to human well-being to Thomas Malthus, who was among the first in the Western canon to argue that population growth would have negative consequences for human well-being. In his 1798 Essay on the Principle of ...
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” The “we” here is no longer universal but an “us” versus “them”: we experts acting on behalf of the marginalized to fight the system (which we have helped build and continue to benefit from). Politics after Machiavelli is civil war by other means, and control over AI becomes ...
The turmoil caused by this will render the USA incapacitated for awhile ,as many will fight the appraoching loss of The acceptance of Canadian laws to standard ize laws is inevitable .What most people miss is the need to join with Canada not the desire but the need. As going forward, no...
Twain then decided to memorize not only key sentences, but also the first letter of each sentence.This initial-letter(首字母)method didn't work either.“I kept track of the fingers for a while”, he wrote in his essay, “then I lost it, and after that I was never quite sure which ...
As well as gaining points by distancing oneself from unpopular kids, one loses points by being close to them. A woman I know says that in high school she liked nerds, but was afraid to be seen talking to them because the other girls would make fun of her. Unpopularity is a communicable...