Why Socialism ---Albert Einstein 转自Monthly Review Albert Einstein is the world-famous physicist. This article was originally published in the first issue ofMonthly Review(May 1949). It was subsequently published in May 1998 to commemorate the first issue ofMR‘s fiftieth year. Is it advisable...
While socialism might not have looked as good in 1973 as in 1933, theManifestostill stipulated that economies existed to serve the needs of all their members and that humanists had a responsibility to make sure that they did. This was a more cautious humanism, but no less resolute or convin...
to follow the path of socialism is linked to the pursuit of this "Datong" ideal that "the world belongs to all the people". In this sense, it is fair to say that the idea of socialism is deeply rooted in the soil of Chinese culture, created by its cultural genes...
Whereas, Kagan has praised “socialism’s greatness,” writing that “In our own times, a coherent socialist movement is nowhere to be found in the United States”; Whereas, Kagan takes an extremist pro-abortion position, even having created a task force in the Department of Justice and a ...
Jaron Lanier, the futurist and virtual reality pioneer, thinks technology decisions shouldn't be made collectively.
"The biggest difference between the old society and the new one is that there was no election in the old society, but in the new society everyone can vote." Without democracy, there will be no socialism; only the real democracy can win people's hearts. ...
If you ever wondered how this capitalism/socialism question has been argued over the years, whether the arguments change or improve or not, this book dives into that question. (Hint: One side of the argument has improved and refined its argument, while the other side is nearly unchanged after...
A: It only works with honest people, but under socialism everyone was presumed to be a cheater. Quite ironically, the Marxist theory expected socialism to be a transitional stage preparing people for conscientious life under communism. As it turns out, conscientious self-control is rather ...
The People's Republic of China was the unified multinational country which the national various races people created together, the equal, the unity, the cooperation socialism ethnic relations already establishes, and will continue to strengthen.The country with utmost effort, promotes the national v[...
Postmodernist questioning of historians' claims to historical truth has created a sense of crisis in historical consciousness. The essay argues that the crisis is not a crisis in the writing of history, as most historians still continue with business as usual, but a crisis in the cultural ...