When these stands undergo forest management, more room is created for the remaining trees to grow due to less competition for the needed resources. The result is greater diameter growth in the remaining trees until the crown canopy closes again. The tree cookie shown to the left was in a ...
(I would also point out that the early Mac OS was black and white, and sparse. It wasn't pretty. But it was usable and consistent and resulted in an ecosystem of applications one could easily pick up by not having to learn low level stuff with every new application). Pretty buttons ar...
aShe says she has survived on a diet of cheeseburgers, pizza and chips. But remarkably, despite her junk food diet, Miss Campbell, who is 173cm tall weighs just 62kg.She was particular about food when she was a child. Her mother Carolyn took her to the doctor after failed attempts to...
This image was created using Will Bolden's Complex Function Visualization tool. Here is a link to the configuration which gives the image above, perhaps modulo some checkerboard patterns and/or markers for zero). Note that this is an approximation of the Mandelbrot set. The visuali...
On each frame, the app created a search box around the interpolated spline and searched the binarized subtracted image, locating the focal insect by its proximity to the tracking spline. The light source, if there was one, was also digitised within this app. (3) Finally, the raw position ...
The results were striking: The shift away from cash was associated with "a sigpificant decrease in the overall crime rate and the specific offenses of burglary and assault in Missouri and a decline in arrests." In other words, the counties saw a decline in specific crimes when they switched...
It will now either become the monetary constitution for Europe or be contaminated by Whenassessed across countries, since the start of the crisis the downward A Turrini (2010), "ComparingAlternative Methodologies for Real Exchange Rate Assessment", European EconomyH JamesPi.gerhardmarold.com...
Why was the Albertine Statute created? Explain how and why will the sun's forces change over time. What are the results of this change? Why is the climate in Portugal arid in the southern half of the country? Why is tradition important?
(in those days) the OS was also backed up along with user data. The new machine wouldn't restore from a TM run on an earlier OS. The solution was to update the old machine to the latest OS, but it was too old. That taught me to always have a plain copy backup of important ...
supported=1 detected=0 when I input $sudo raspistill -o camera.jpg, I get mmal: Cannot read camera info, keeping the default for OV5647 mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1:ENOMEM) mmal: mmal_vc_component_create_core: coul...