The codebook was then uploaded to Dedoose and used to assign applicable codes to the excerpts. Dedoose was used to assess inter-rater reliability utilizing a random selection of one-third of the excerpts created by the second author. In most cases, disagreements involved omissions. This occurred ...
Previously the inventors of the drug phenoperidine, in 1960 Janssen and his team created Fentanyl. At the time, it was the most powerful painkiller in the world, 100 times more potent than morphine. It was designed for cancer and terminal patients who had developed tolerances to morphine or ...
The FDA monitors and regulates iodine claiming “people might use it to make methamphetamines” even though they have nothing to back up this claim. It’s relatively cheap. By ignoring iodine, hundreds and potentially thousands of profit-generating products have plenty of customers. With so many...
This was later also found to be the case for heroin [103], methamphetamine [104] and alcohol [105]. Early residential laboratory studies on alcohol use disorder indeed revealed orderly operant control over alcohol consumption [106]. Furthermore, efficacy of treatment approaches such as contingency...
an ingredient that can be used to make methamphetamine. As a result of abuse of pseudoephedrine-containing products by manufacturers of methamphetamine, federal legislation was passed moving those products behind the pharmacy counter, which made them harder for people to get ahold of for routine use...
Pérez Rosal found it created a calm environment that allowed the user to follow their own thoughts, without immersing them in a stereotypical '60s-style version of a psychedelic trip. Enosis' team trained his clinic's staff to use the technology. The implementation was easy, with no software...
the feeling of getting out of my body or being in some ecstatic space was extremely important. I dabbled in various hallucingens mostly, but I think because I had enough other experiences of joy that I saw them as interesting but not essential. If anything, I feared drugs because the resu...
What Happened:03 Greedo got roped in the summer of 2016, on drug trafficking and possession of a firearm charges. The police reportedly opened his trunk after smelling weed and located four pounds of methamphetamine and two stolen guns. 03 Greedo took a plea deal in 2018, and was sentenced...
It's clear that CNN was biased against Trump and unable to just present the facts. They made it their agenda to take down the President of The United States with examples such as: 1) Supporting Kathy Griffin after she posted a ISIS-like beheading of Donald Trump is absolutely disgusting. ...
Originally intended to be used for guitarist Head’s christian band Love and Death, its metamorphosis into “Love and Meth” is rooted in his addiction to methamphetamine, which ultimately led to the bassist finding Christianity. This level of personal attachment is evidence that each individual com...