If it was legalized in Utah, there would be lots of negative things that would happen. Education and learning could be affected immensely. Injuries and even death could occur when using this drug. Environmental damage could occur. Marijuana can be very harmful. If this drug is misused, then ...
Marijuana was given the Schedule I categorization in 1970 which carries serious penalties for possession, use, and/or sale in states that still haven’t legalized cannabis, though there iscurrently a big push by the Department of Health and Human Services as well as NORML for the DEA to resch...
Free Essay: The legalization of Marijuana has been an ongoing issue for many years that has lead to much controversy. Not only is smoking marijuana a risk to...
This ambitious policy was also an unexpected one: none of the usual explanations for legalization of marijuana in other contexts was present in the Uruguayan case. This paper offers an explanation for why Uruguay legalized marijuana. Drawing on Kingdon's theoretical approach, we argue that a ...
It's now conceivable that marijuana could be legalized throughout more of the U.S., so we sought answers about who would profit from the end of its prohibition
The marijuana industry in Colorado has already been suffering year over year, comparing 2023 to 2022. Now the way you legally purchase cannabis products in the state might have to change - that is if your bank lets you use a Mastercard debit card. The card issuer put out a statement last...
It’s coming up on two yearssince marijuana was legalized in Canada. Reader may recall back on October 17thof 2018, Justin Trudeau made good on one of his many bad election promises, making Canada at the time only the second sovereign nation to let loose the reins of law on the notorious...
Whether recreational marijuana should be legalized? What is the meaning of life? Would it surprise you to know that philosophers have answers toallthese questions and to nearly any other question you might ask, as well as employingrationalandobjectivemethods for generating and testing these answers?
In at least one seizure, a drug sniffing dog was used to ID the cannabis transport vehicle. (A dog was needed? Aren't those things marked?) Anyway, seizures so far have netted the checkpoints "at least 70 pounds of marijuana flower, concentrates, edibles, disposable vape pens, cartridges...
Before there was legalized recreational marijuana in Illinois, there was one serious problem, the smell. That immediately gave you and your illegal activity away to your parents, teachers, security, police, and any other authorities that could get you in trouble. ...