Manchukuo: Manchukuo was a Japanese puppet state established in Manchuria that served as a base for large-scale exploitation and slaughter for the Japanese Empire and one of the jumping-off points for Japan's attempt to conquer all of China. It fell in 1945 along with the Japanese Empire when...
“The outcome of the revolution was not yet decided. The Ch’ing had not wholly given up power, and there was a struggle within the Kuomintang concerning the leadership. It was said in Hunan that further war was inevitable. Several armies were organized against the Manchus and against Yuan S...
In 1931the Japanese invaded Manchuria which part of China and renamed it Manchukuo. This was the start of it all and the reason for the Sino-Japanese War. The Sino-Japanese was lasted until the end of the Second World War (Iriye 4). When China made the decision to take on Japan, ...