WEBER: There was a linguistic war between two groups of people. For some 2,000 years, two major ethno-linguistic groups — the Sinhalese and the Tamil — had co-existed, relatively peacefully, on an island in South Asia now known as Sri Lanka. Over time, it was colonized by the Portugu...
看似这本书是对gun,steel and germs的反对, 其实跟像是对他的一个延伸。GSG中的自然因素解释了人们最初的社会构成方式和习俗,而习俗决定了institution;而这本书进一步用institution解释了所有的inequality。Regarding the world inequality throughout the history, Diamond, author of Gun, Steel and Germ, attributes...
faster growth, and lower labour requirements (Lappé & Collins,1982; McCann,1999). Dent maize was preferred for export as it had higher yields and larger kernels and was more suitable for mechanized milling; however, it was less drought tolerant and more susceptible to pests (McCann,2007...
The alternative was to sail east until the island of Madagascar was sighted, then move up the channel as the current here ran north, keeping the coast in sight at all times. The disadvantage was the coral islets, atolls, shoals, protruding rocks and submerged reefs which were pa...
This is when caning's process, material, and aesthetic began trickling into the design work of Europeans and their schools – and it continued to infiltrate the looks attributed to some of their other colonized countries. As researcher and writer Sneha Mehta and collaborator M...
Now the arrogance in the anglosphere is that they are not western because if you were colonized by Spain it doesn’t makes you white nor part of the european world, Spaniards are not that white and the worse of Europe. So lets go funny here and hurth the anglos feelings. ...