However, Brown is rumored to believe that the tribute was canceled because of Taylor. Many suspect his recent altercation is because of this awards show cancelation. He wrote an Instagram at the time. “WOULD’VE been the AMA performance but they cancelled me for reasons unknown." Related:An ...
My days had become routine. It was very rare for me to encounter a curveball. Coffee, walk the dog, exercise, work, stare blankly at the refrigerator for something to eat, wine, sleep, repeat. You get to a certain point in your life when your friends have moved on– whether to a h...
My biggest frustration is not being able to travel. I was supposed to go to Florida, and that was canceled, and then lecturing on a CRUISE (oy!) to Gibraltar, Morocco, and the Canary Islands in April. That, too, is now defunct. I hope only that the fates may allow me to return t...
If you get dumped by a guy you like, remember that although this is probably due in part tomen playing below their league, it is also the product of you being ambitious in your relationships: you are trying to get the best guy you can, and therefore you are dating guys that might dump...
May is just the latest in a long line of treacherous EU lovers who put the interests of a foreign entity before the interests of our own people. As for the civil service, they compliment each and every pro-EU government so they’re just as guilty, but as the old saying goes, you ...
Today, there are any number of reputable U.S.A.-facing online poker rooms, some of which have been in operation for more than a decade. Thus, Black Friday's intention of destroying this form of recreation can only be classified as a dismal failure. Once again, lovers of freedom have be...