54K The humoral immune response is one type of adaptive immunity that rids the human body of disease-causing organisms. This lesson describes the components and functions of humoral immunity and compares humoral immunity to the other type of adaptive immune responses called cellular immunity. Relate...
Resuming some of the until now identified main features of the new SARS-CoV-2 and of its corresponding disease coined as COVID 19: The latter reflects the height of the power of the new virus, a favorable mutation to achieve its ultimate goal, by which it can spread in a silent and su...
cabernet sauvignon, and merlot. Second, wine was safer to drink than water for 3,800 years, and remained so until the Industrial Revolution in the middle of the 19th century brought with it modern sanitation. Wine, which is fermented, is disease-free. So why not drink it at every meal?
Hansen's disease(also known as leprosy) is an infection caused by slow-growing bacteria called Mycobacterium leprae. It can affect the nerves, skin, eyes, and lining of the nose (nasal mucosa). Why leprosy is called the living dead?
Overconsumption Digestion Rapid Stomach Emptying (Gastric Dumping) People who have dumping syndrome need to eat several small meals a day that are low in carbohydrates and should drink liquids between meals, not with them. IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Large meals can cause cramping and diarr...
According to the modernization theory of development to which most mainstream family planning scholars subscribe, the endpoint of global development is what economist Rostow (1960) named “the stage of high mass-consumption.” In the Global North, this low fertility stage has been characterized by ...
Consumption of this "GMO Oil" has been linked tomuscular disorders and fatty degeneration of the heart, kidneys, adrenals and thyroid gland.To avoid it, check labels closely - even in so-called healthy products - because it's practically everywhere. ...
disease. Per theFDA, increased thirst, water consumption, and urination are common early signs of the disease. Other medical conditions, like diabetes orurinary tract infections(UTIs), could also "make the urine smell or taste different, causing some dogs to want to lick or drink it," ...
I learned about PharmacyChecker when The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, part of the Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Minnesota published their report in January 2022 called "Not Made in the USA: The Global Pharmaceutical Supply Chain and Prospects...
He goes on to conclude that “generally, genetic prediction of the risk of disease (even with whole-genome sequencing data) is unlikely to be informative for most people who have a so-called average risk of developing an addiction disorder” [7]. This reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of...