Hernan Cortes was born around 1485 in Medellin, Spain. As a teen, Cortes studied at Salamanca. In 1504, Cortes made his way to the island of Hispaniola where he farmed and became a notary. Farming and notarizing, however, were not part of his legacy....
Why is Cesar Chavez important? Why was Pablo Escobar important? Why was Pedro Alvares Cabral important? Why was Porfirio Diaz important? Why is Hernan Cortes important? Why was Vladimir the Great important? Why was James Monroe important?
Hernan Cortes was a Spanish conquistador who caused the fall of the Aztec Empire. He was accompanied with a woman named Dona Marina. She was able to speak Aztec language and became a translator to Cortes. Cortes founded a settlement called Vera Cruz, declaring himself as the leader of the ...
Question: Why did Portugal begin to explore the coasts of South America and Africa in the 1400s? Age of Exploration: Portugal was one of the major colonizing powers of the world. Some of the areas it colonized are Brazil, Angola, Mozambique and Macau. It was also one ...
You want to learn from Hernan Cortes, who ordered his men to burn down their own ships so that they have no escape but to win the battle and take the island. People are absolutely fine if they don’t achieve their goals. And this is exactly why they fail in the first place. When ...
Why was Hiawatha important? Why is Hernan Cortes important to history? Why do we celebrate Columbus Day instead of Leif Erikson Day in the U.S.? Why did Christopher Columbus sail to the New World? Why did Amerigo Vespucci set sail?
Why is Hernan Cortes important to history? Why is Elizabeth of Russia famous? Why was Pericles famous? Why did John Cabot sail to Canada? Why was Harald Hardrada important? Why is Hernan Cortes important? Why was Norbert Rillieux famous?
Why is Hernan Cortes important to history? Why did Vasco da Gama go on his first voyage? Why was Ibn Battuta able to travel so extensively? Why is Hernan Cortes famous? Why did Henry Hudson explore the Hudson River? Why did Alexander Mackenzie explore?
Why is Hernan Cortes important? Why did Oliver Cromwell refuse the crown? Why is Simon Bolivar a hero? Why did Pancho Villa conduct the raids? Why did Oliver Cromwell rebel? Why was Dostoevsky imprisoned? Why was Sir Francis Drake put in a lead coffin?
Why is Hernan Cortes important? Why was Mehmed the Conqueror important? Why was the Freedmen's Bureau important? Why was Giuseppe Garibaldi important? Why is Elie Wiesel important? Why was Cordell Hull important? Why was Christopher Columbus's exploration important?