Every year, when the Nile flooded, the height of the river was read off the wall of a stairway, later called the "Nilometer," cut down into the granite of Elephantine Island, , at Aswan, أَسْوَان, at the natural southern boundary of Ancient Egypt. The height of...
He was defeated, but in 264 BCE, the Carthaginians plunged into war again - this time with Rome. Because of its superior naval power, Carthage had been able to enforce its treaty with the Roman Republic, which kept the latter from engaging in trade in the western Mediterrane...
The Byzantines gave them Christianity and they follow a very old sect of Coptic Orthodox which is similar to the original Eastern Orthodox. Reply Addam i was born and raised in ethiopia. someone in an earlier post asked about security. I cannot think of too many countries in the world with...
was the first performance to have the elements of a “musical.” It was also the first “ballad opera.” The whole performance used popular music (ballads, at the time).The Beggar’s Operawas asatireabout the expensive, high society Italian operas so much in...
He was defeated, but in 264 BCE, the Carthaginians plunged into war again - this time with Rome. Because of its superior naval power, Carthage had been able to enforce its treaty with the Roman Republic, which kept the latter from engaging in trade in the western Mediterranean. The Romans...
“Whether Jesus is depicted in contemporary artwork and icons as white, black, brown, Hispanic or Middle Eastern, it shouldn’t matter, because Jesus’ physicality was merely a vessel which was used to carry something a lot more important — the spirit of his father;God,”Antony Pinolwrote ...