but it's probably not going to cause the plane to go down or crash. The notification was made to residents to clear up any confusion. This is such a pleasant change from the typical rancor that dominates discussions on this subject. person will not be tolerated. But, again, that's not ...
Is it the hideous graphics, which vary from "extremely compressed photo of some dirt" to "am-dram old man in a bad wig greenscreened into a Crystal Maze set"? The egregious use of long loading screens? The absurdly difficult, nonsensical game design, which was so b...
yes its true ebay does take a lot of your profit, but for me ebay works the best. I tried making my own online shop it turned out horribly i lost some +$100 maybe not a lot, but to me its quite a bit. I made the website everything was seemed good, I also got google adwords...
Everyone there was dirt-poor and always in need of money, but the people taught me a valuable principle. When someone asks to borrow money, give it if you can afford it, but as a gift, not a loan. Then you don’t have to stress about getting it back, and that person do...
Although the rich man was within his legal rights to demand this, the servant begged him for patience. So the rich man took pity on him. He cancelled the debt and let him go. But the experience left the servant badly shaken, worried about the state of his finances, and no sooner had...
DAY AFTERhe retired, Andrew Luck reached into the shower in the bedroom at his Indianapolis condo and turned the knob. He stepped back and waited for the water to get hot. It was the afternoon of Aug. 25, 2019, and he was in a fog over what he had done. When Luck had told ...
I was very cautious at first. Then the relationship changed. My father started using drugs again. We did drugs together and I found myself in a miserable situation. He started visiting me all day to get high and do drugs with me. He came up to me just to get some sh--, and that...
I am fortunate to have a good working relationship with the Basis team, and of course, since I have been here since dirt was invented, I have a reasonably good handle on things. But it's always good to be reminded of just how far astray things can go. I know that karin.tillotson ...
That evening when they arrived to pick them up, CSS was waiting. I told the parents to never return, and even cancelled their bill just to get rid of them. They were arrested that moment as well for child endangerment. I thought my sister would be angry with me...
“I had this one girl, Tai, she was a stripper and I hated that bitch. Fucking hated her. What a bitch. She had the full-on tramp stamp and was a complete slut, whore, slut”, as he laughed, with his subjects joining in the hilarity of what he was saying. ...