Why It Matters podcast on demand - Each episode of Why It Matters breaks down an issue that is shaping our world’s future. Join host Gabrielle Sierra as she speaks with the leaders and thinkers who are facing these questions head on. Fueled by the minds
and the assistance Ptolemy gave him was to behead him so he could impress Caesar. When Caesar arrived a bit later, Ptolemy was like, “Look at what I did to Pompey high five,” but Caesar was like “Why did you do that you little shit he’s my granddaughter’s ...
I know there was a much-shared NYT article that quoted a psychologist who said females have had more descendants than men, because men were more likely to engage in activities that would get them killed. Much of the disparity he was referring to would have occurred after the advent of agric...
Pliny the Elder didn’t die because he was too fascinated with the eruption of Vesuvius to run away from the lava. There was no lava. He was killed by the combination of heat, ash, and poisonous gases from the pyroclastic
Despite his interest in the bomb, Müller was drafted in October 1940 and killed in Russia in March 1942 [22]. The HWA does not mention any further work on a nuclear explosive between May 1940 and February 1942—another proof that there was no bomb development work in the Uranium Project....
2 Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, 3584 CB Utrecht, The Netherlands 3 Department of Geography, University of Zurich, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland; Maarten.Eppinga@geo.uzh.ch 4 Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, Engineering School for Sustainable Infrastructure ...