He published “Moby Dick” in 1851, when the United States’ whaling industry was at its height. Nantucket, where the Pequod sets sail, was the epicenter of this lucrative and bloody global industry, which decimated the world’...
With the tenth commandment God gave to Moses, he commanded us not to covet. By giving us this commandment, God was addressing something he knew would be disastrous if it took hold in our hearts. To covet is an intense desire to have something that does not belong to you, and many times...
select contestants would move forward for a chance to compete in the Swan Pageant at the end of the season.The show debuted in 2004 but ultimately was cancelled due to declining ratings and negative
My phone, normally quiet on Sunday nights, rang and I looked down to see it was my mom and dad. Also unusual, as they normally wait for me to call, always citing my erratic schedule and them never wanting to interrupt, because what if I am sleeping? Despite my reassurance that my pho...
From searching for true love to pursuing modeling,The Gastineau Girlsfollowed the daily lives of mother-daughter duo Lisa and Brittny Gastineau. It debuted on E! in 2005, but was ultimately cancelled in 2006, after just two seasons. Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane ...
From searching for true love to pursuing modeling,The Gastineau Girlsfollowed the daily lives of mother-daughter duo Lisa and Brittny Gastineau. It debuted on E! in 2005, but was ultimately cancelled in 2006, after just two seasons. Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane ...