In 1858 the British Raj known as the British Crown rule took control after the East India Company and would rule until India's Independence in 1947. Answer and Explanation: India was divided into two countries because a vast section of its Muslims wanted to have a country of their own. The...
The end of British colonial rule birthed two sovereign nations—but hastily drawn borders caused simmering tensions to boil over. 75 years later, memories of Partition still haunt survivors.
We were invited into when was the invitation extended? What was the opposition of the invitation? D u accept a decline. The vacation. If a stock pot, was it fine? You own idea. We are interested in the findings of your resource. Findings fun. The results of the results of our investi...
Asia is divided into 5 geographical regions (North Asia, South Asia, West Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia). Why is this division useful/beneficial? Why is it called the Hellenistic period? Why is Confucius called Confucius? Why was the British East India Com...
Englishbelongs to the Indo-European family of languagesand is therefore related to most other languages spoken in Europe and western Asia from Iceland to India. The parent tongue, called Proto-Indo-European, was spoken about 5,000 years ago by nomads believed to have roamed the southeast Europea...
A brief selection of the global ridicule: Rome’s La Republica judged in a front-page headline that Tuesday was "A day worthy of a banana republic. " "Washington, we have a problem, " joked the French-language Swiss daily 24 Heures. A Russian daily quipped about the "Divided States ...
Why was Germany divided? Why was New Orleans the economic capital of lower Louisiana? Why do geographers divide the world into regions? Why do states choose cooperation? Why were mounds of dirt called earthworks in Iowa? Why do Southern States have so many military bases?
was around 12 per cent. However, the two centuries of British paramountcy turned Bengal into one of the poorest sub-regions in the world. East Bengal, which was once the most prosperous and industrialized part of Mughal India, suffered the most. Within fifty years of British ascendancy, it ...
The country was deeply divided along religious lines. In 1946-47, as independence grew closer, tensions turned into terrible violence between Muslims and Hindus. In 1947 the British withdrew from the area and it was partitioned into two independent countries - India (mostly Hindu) and Pakistan ...
To have been an Indo-Aryan, Vaivaswata had not, of necessity, to meet with his Saviour (Vishnu, under the form of a fish) within the precincts of the present India, or even anywhere on the Asian continent; nor is it necessary to concede that he was the seventh great Manu himself (...