What was the Berlin airlift and why was it necessary? Cold War and Post World War II After the end of World War II, the Allied powers divided Germany and the city of Berlin into occupational zones. The western sectors of Berlin were controlled by the United States, Great Britain, and Fr...
Why was the Yamasee War important? Why did Soviet-American relations deteriorate after the Yalta Conference? Why is the war on terror important? Why is the Cuban Revolution important? Why was the Treaty of Berlin of 1885 important? What was the Berlin airlift and why was it necessary?
Unfortunately when Kennedy was unwilling to budge on the topic of West Berlin, which had been separate from east berlin as part of the World War, Khrushchev ordered the creation of the berlin wall to seal in West Berlin and to stop anyone from East Berlin from getting in. In 1962 began ...
This city park in Berlin is one of the most fascinating examples of gentrification. “A crown jewel of open space,” Tempelhoft, a favorite of citizens and tourists alike, was at one time one of the main pre-WW2 airports. The home of Lufthansa, it was constructed back in 1923 and conti...
After World War II, why did the USSR want to control countries in Eastern Europe? The Cold War: During the Cold War, Europe was mostly divided between East and West. The East was aligned with the Soviet Union, and the West with the United States. ...
Why didn't Germany push on after the invasion of Poland? Why was the Berlin Airlift important to the Cold War? Why was Erwin Rommel killed? Why was the Battle of El Alamein significant? Why did the Treaty of Versailles fail? Why did the Iraq War fail?
The Cold War: The US and Soviet Union were adversaries during the Cold War. Despite this, there was never a direct military confrontation between the two. However, there was always the threat that one or the other would start a nuclear war. ...
Why was Russia not invited to the Treaty of Versailles? Why did the Mongols invade Europe? Why did Stalin blockade Berlin? Why did Germany invade Yugoslavia? Why did Hitler break the Treaty of Versailles? Why did Germany surrender in WW2? Why did Stalin declare war on Japan? After World Wa...
The Soviet Union was created following the Russian Revolution of 1917 and lasted until its collapse in 1991. The Soviet Union was the world's first communist state and it played an important role throughout 20th century history. It was the Soviet Union that captured Berlin in 1945, defeating ...
Why did Germany invade Russia during WW2? Why did civil war break out in Yugoslavia? Why was Europe divided during the Cold War? Why did Austria-Hungary enter WW1? Why did the Magyars assimilate into European culture? Why did East Germany build the Berlin Wall? Why did Visigoths cross in...