Why Do Men Stay in Abusive Relationships?Vade MecumOluwatoOruAmaHolyPaganlateesha
Why do women stay in physically abusive relationships for so long if they are allegedly so bad? The short answer is, they have no place to go and are protecting their kids--a woman who walks out forfeits custody. Ponder this: Across the United States, there are 1,200 shelters for batte...
Another answer to why do people stay in emotionally abusive relationships is that the abused partner starts justifying all the horrible things their abusive partner is doing. The abused becomes the emotional hostage in a relationship. However, staying in an emotionally abusive relationship leav...
Another answer to why do people stay in emotionally abusive relationships is that the abused partner starts justifying all the horrible things their abusive partner is doing. The abused becomes the emotional hostage in a relationship. However, staying in an emotionally abusive relationship leaves the...
Why do women stay in physically abusive relationships for so long if they are allegedly so bad? The short answer is, they have no place to go and are protecting their kids--a woman who walks out forfeits custody. Ponder this: Across the United States, there are 1,200 shelters for batte...
Why do abuse survivors stay so long in abusive relationships? The biochemical bonds that attach us to our narcissistic abusers are more difficult to break than one might think. Learn why in this groundbreaking new guide to understanding our addiction to the narcissist....
- In abusive relationships, the victim may develop positive feelings towards the abuser as a way to cope with the abuse and trauma they are enduring. This dynamic could potentially manifest in a bully-victim relationship as well. - Some forum users suggest Stockholm syndrome could explain why v...
- In abusive relationships, the victim may develop positive feelings towards the abuser as a way to cope with the abuse and trauma they are enduring. This dynamic could potentially manifest in a bully-victim relationship as well. - Some forum users suggest Stockholm syndrome could explain why v...
Abusive relationships, especially those that end in a highly contested,ugly divorce,can cause PTSD. But, divorce can cause post-traumatic growth, as well. Some people who have gone through horrific divorces have come out stronger. They have survived their divorce and created new lives with more...
Why Walking Away Is Not an Option: It's Only Dependent Women Who Stay in Abusive Relationships, Right? Wrong. Many Financially Independent Women Tend to Stay on with an Abusive Partner. It Doesn't Make Sense, but That's the Truth of Our Times, Finds Shikha Kumar...