Economic sanctionsare a way for large governments to exert their disapproval over one another. While wars are costly, both economically and politically, economic sanctions tend to be somewhat less tangible, at least for the country doing the sanctioning. For the country being sanctioned, the resul...
LaFranchi, Howard
as they could put countries under great pressure and destroy them. The world has watched for decades how the U.S. uses the dollar as a weapon against countries that oppose its policies and interests. Many countries have suffered from these sanctions, including Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, and Sudan...
Former president of Venezuela Hugo Chavez put it well: "China is large but it's not an empire. China doesn't trample on anyone, it hasn't invaded anyone, it doesn't go around dropping bombs on anyone." Yes, China has become a major power. It is the world's second-largest economy;...
sanctions, including Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, and Sudan, which have caused catastrophic harm to their peoples and economies as a whole. Countries or companies that try to deal with the countries that have been sanctioned may also suffer sanctions. As such, the U.S. puts these countries in ...
The US reimposed sanctions on oil and gas from Venezuela yesterday after finding President Nicolás Maduro’s revolutionary socialist government had “fallen short” of its commitments to hold a free and fair presidential election. The sanctions come at an uncertain time for the oil market and the...
Reuters reportsthat Venezuela has reneged on its promise to send more oil to Europe, under an oil for debt deal. It wants oil product swaps instead, since it is lacking in its ability to make finished products from its oil itself. It would take a long run of prices much ...
sanctions, including Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, and Sudan, which have caused catastrophic harm to their peoples and economies as a whole. Countries or companies that try to deal with the countries that have been sanctioned may also suffer sanctions. As such, the U.S. puts these countries in ...
The US alone has more than two dozen sets of sanctions regimes targeted at Iran, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and other countries and groups such as Hezbollah. Other countries also impose sanctions, such as the UK, Canada, Australia, and Japan. The purpose of sanctions is to try...
Is the US the cause of Venezuela's economic catastrophe due to sanctions, as claimed by the UN? Is Iran really affected by the economic sanctions by the US and its allies? Does the US over-rely on economic sanctions to solve diplomatic...