Using SQL, youcan query, update, and reorganize data, as well as create and modify the schema (structure) of a database system and control access to its data. A lot of nformation can be compiled in a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel, but SQL is intended to compile and manage data i...
you can use SQL triggers to automatically execute certain actions in response to specific events, such as the insertion or update of a record in a database table. You can also use SQL views to create virtual tables to automate the process of querying and aggregating data from multiple tables...
If you need to have up-to-the-second live data, then you will want to use DIRECT QUERY or LIVE CONNECTION, but you will probably need to get the data structured at source, as you will not have significant control over it from within Power Query/Power BI. Transformation ...
Still I found it useful to use the SAP Learning Hub exercises for Design Studio to learn more about the Open Document functionality. I changed the exercises slightly to work with my data. See below: The above is the "jump from" application. Hopefully it goes without saying that all of thi...
So 3-4 months ago, Edge updated and ever since then, all Youtube videos and yes only youtube videos, drop down to 480p when watching them, sometimes dropping...
PySpark SQL is another layer on top of PySpark Core. PySpark SQL is used for processing structured and semi-structured data along with offering an optimized API that helps you to read data across different file formats from different sources. You can use either SQL or HIveQL to process data ...
USE ${DB} $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_monthly_table_backup $$ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_monthly_table_backup(IN tb varchar(30), IN tmclmn varchar(30), OUT Msg varchar(100)) BEGIN DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION, SQLWARNING BEGIN ...
How to use ASP:panel how to use to read local file and display it in client browser How to Use Calendar in Blazor How to use command argument with hyperlink How to use Dataset and write to text file How to use date condition in datetime column in sql server 2005? How to ...
How do I create a synonym via T-SQL? USE[UserDefinedDatabase] GO CREATESYNONYM[dbo].[Customer] FOR[JTKNotebook].[JTKTest].[dbo].[Customer] GO EXECsys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N‘Description’,@value=N‘This is a sample synonym referencing the JTKTest database’,@level0type=N‘SCHEM...