Cats are known for being solitary, mysterious animals, so figuring out their behavior can be quite a task. In general, many cat behaviors can be understood in terms of their predatory instincts, or by the complex social bonds that they display in the wild....
IntroductionArtificial Insemination (AI) of commercial beef cattle has been technically possible since the 1930's and commercially available since the 1950's in the United States. Its adoption has been much slower in the beef industry than in the US dairy industry where it was estimated (USDA, ...
CattleManagementArtificial inseminationBovine embryo transfer is a well-established commercial industry that is often associated with veterinary practices. Practitioners offering embryo transfer services may possess a very high standard of technical expertise; however, success in the production of embryos and ...
DAIRY cattleARTIFICIAL inseminationOVARIESUTERUSIn order to optimise reproductive performance and thus production, it is now impossible to control the reproduction of dairy cows without the use of hormones. Due to the characteristics of dairy cows, the use of hormones not only reduces the ...