Unlike the Orthodox,the ultra-Orthodox continue to reject Zionism—at least in principle—as blasphemous. In practice, the rejection of Zionism has led… The ultra-Orthodox, in contrast, insist on separating themselves from Gentile society, as well as from Jews who do not follow the religious l...
The structure in the middle of the Temple presumably held the “Holy of Holies“, the inner sanctum that held the Ark of the Covenant said to contain the Ten Commandment stones. Only one person could approach it, the head priest, and then only once a year. Many ultra-Orthodox Jews won...
(a) The biggest enemy against Zionism were the anti-Zionist Jews, and the anti-Zionist Jews were the much larger majority of the world wide Jewish population until 1933. (b) A great persecution against the Jews would reduce the population of the anti-Zionist Jews, and thus reduce the siz...
BTW, Are you aware of Gilad Atzmon, a jazz musician based in England (born in Israel) who is undertaking a secular demolition of Zionism AND, most recently and importantly, the whole false notion that “the Jews” are a race of people? Crazy! It’s the same as if Roman Catholics toute...