required downloadable content is missing","id":"message:7402403","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":5},"Conversation:conversation:7402403":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:7402403","solved":false,"topic":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:message:7402403"},"lastPo...
TRcxUQ":"Community Highlights","title@instance:CBDnRi":"Community Highlights","title@instance:GsFmmn":"Top Reported Issues","title@instance:FllmwL":"Community Highlights","title@instance:voSwrI":"Community Highlights","title@instance:OmTmUZ":"Community Highlights","title@instan...
The result of model simulation is obviously inclined to resource tax. The emission reduction efficiency of resource tax is obviously greater than that of carbon tax. GDP losses in carbon tax scenarios are much higher than those in resource tax scenarios. The loss is nearly double in price-contro...
I've Created a package to notify report in email as excel, which is using a path to render report and save it as excel. This package was need to be schedule every first day of month and on every Friday even at morning 7 AM.
Participants received instructions on how to install the camera on their windscreen, how to operate it, and the required recording duration. They were told that the experiment focused on decision-making in driving and were assured that their behaviour would not be judged, to encourage them to ...
I've Created a package to notify report in email as excel, which is using a path to render report and save it as excel. This package was need to be schedule every first day of month and on every Friday even at morning 7 AM.
Post any salient comment to WhyMicrosoft blog at be eligible for entry, the comment must state your Twitter Username. Prize Period 2 Enter one of the following ways: Respond via Tweet to the question “why is Office365 a better choice ...
Interviews Ralph Nader, a candidate in the 2004 U.S. presidential elections. Reason in running for presidency for the second time; Opinion on John Kerry, Democratic presidential candidate; View on U.S. President George W. Bush and the war on Iraq; Remark on a poll which says that five ...
They served it well in their time, but the members of the old KGB know too much of the inner terror of the Party to give its new‐style leaders a second chancedoi:10.1080/03064229608536073Index on Censorship