Yes,you can leave the bleach overnight in the toilet bowl but not longer than that. ... You'll also want to clean the toilet bowl with mild detergents before adding the bleach. You can leave any toilet bowl cleaner in the toilet overnight or for the whole of the weekend while you're...
The bathroom is full of handholds and footholds so that astronauts don't drift off in the middle of their business. To pee, they can sit or stand and then hold the funnel and hose tightly against their skin so that nothing leaks out. Topoop, astronauts lift the toilet lid and sit on...
‘But why?’ we hear you ask. After all, surely they can’t be any worse than loo roll? Unfortunately, tampons don’t break down as easily as toilet paper (let’s face it, if they did they wouldn’t be much good at doing the job you buy them for). ...
Our dogs do a lot of gross things, and drinking from the toilet is high up on that list. But why do our dogs drink from the toilet when they have
BPH may not need to be treated unless it is causing problems with your urination. Some men go to the toilet more frequently, while some find it hard to pass urine. In some cases, BPH may cause the bladder to be blocked, which leads to retention of urine, bladder infections, and kidney...
“I got incredibly scared by a flushing toilet on a train when I was a small girl which left me with a generalized fear of flushing toilets.” “A family member was murdered in a public restroom.” 3.2.2. Situational Influences Any time a woman is away from home and experiences a need...
Some flapper leaks are too slow to notice, but they still waste water. If you suspect you have a flapper leak, try this test: Pour some food coloring in the tank, and avoid using the toilet for several hours or overnight. The test is positive if the bowl water takes on the same hue...