schema stitching: 多个不同的GraphQL的endpoints可以组合成为一个. 社区支持好. 多种语言:;多种客户端:;多种工具: Prisma, GraphQL Faker, GraphQL Playground, graphql-config. ...
In GraphQL, there’s one version of the graph. To keep track of how the graph changes and evolves over time, we register it in aschema registry.The registry behaves similar to that of a version control system like Git, and becomes the central place that keeps track of the current state...
REST is one of the cornerstone architectural styles of web APIs. However, as the world becomes more interconnected, the need to develop robust and scalable applications will become a more pressing issue. While REST is often used to build web APIs, there
GraphQL has two types of requests when it comes to reading (the R in CRUD), creating, updating, and deleting (The CUD in CRUD): queries and mutations.
The main benefit of using GraphQL is the ability to send a query that specifies only the information you need and receive exactly that. However, you can achieve this same effect using REST by passing the name of the fields you want to use in the URL, and then implementing the logic for...
In GraphQL, APIs are defined by a schema. This is similar to how OpenAPI is used to document REST endpoints. Like OpenAPI, you can use the schema to generate the code for .NET clients that are ready “out of the box” to consume their owned data. This is how Strawberry Shake will ...
Similarly, because the schema is strongly typed, you don'treallyneed to build custom client libraries. Often services will provide a client lib to use that offers types and methods that are simple to access. GraphQL has that built-in; you just need to bring a client. ...
jparise/vim-graphql leafgarland/typescript-vim vim-syntastic/syntastic ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace Pheww!!.. So you see there's a plugin for anything and everything. These plugins are more than enough to make vim a full-blown IDE. ...
When you use that table to find an actor for a particular movie, you start to hit the O(n) problem. JOINs & The O(n) Problem GraphQL is designed to be a flexible query language that allows you to retrieve an infinite level of nested values. The more nested items retrieved, the more...
Relay is a game-changer for GraphQL once you get behind the initial learning curve. We've made it 100x easier to use and adopt. In this post, I will explain why you should give the data fetching client another look.