Gold costs saw a high rise of Rs 1,000 and breached the Rs 82,000 per 10 grams mark for the very first time in Delhi on Wednesday, amidst robust purchasing by jewellers ahead of Diwali. Considering that it is Diwali, individuals purchase it even at a high...
Analysts believe Fitch's downgrading is an overestimation of the risks China faces and an under-estimation of its growth potential. In the realm of economics, confidence is more precious than gold. And the recent decision by Fitch Ratings appears to be a deliberate attempt to undermine that conf...
However, looking at the trend, the US economy is cooling down, the supply of US bonds is falling, and the interest rate cut cycle is moving later, but it is still expected to start, indicating that interest rates on US bonds are falling strongly, opening up room for gold prices to ...
Fast forward to today (October 25, 2024), and the price of gold is sitting at $2,734.46 per ounce. This represents an increase of $670.73 per ounce, amounting to a growth rate of approximately 33% in a little over 10 months. This significant growth has captured the attention of ...
However, UBS believes that in the long run, the correlation between gold, actual interest rates, and the US dollar still holds. The US real interest rate still represents the opportunity cost of holding gold, and the US dollar is the main currency for gold pricing, so the “derailment” be...
Well, If you’re getting impatient, you may raise your heart rate, so the first step is to take five deep breaths to slow your heart rate down. This will force you to slow down before you say or do anything rash. Then figure out what’s often causing your impatience, and try to pr...
Many economists predict that economic measures might lead to inflation; as gold is traditionally perceived as an effective hedge against it (1), demand tends to spike when inflationary pressures intensify. Increased Accessibility One factor contributing to gold’s increasing appeal is its increasing acc...
With rate cuts on the horizon, real yields have cooled, increasing the relative attractiveness of non-interest-bearing gold. Gold Vs. Inflation-Adjusted 10-Year Yield Traders have wasted little time pricing in the Fed’s dovish stance. Futures markets now see a 72% chance of a rate cut as...
Capital Gains Tax is high on the agenda and many are wondering what changes will be made. Interestingly, Gold Britannias are CGT free, so if you’re looking for a way to lock in any gains at the current rate but still keep your money invested, then it might be worth considering ...
Currency devaluation is an economic policy by a country’s government to weaken the value of its currency. Ever since world currencies abandoned thegold standardand allowed theirexchange ratestofloatfreely against each other, there have been many currency devaluation events that have hurt not only th...