How does beta radiation move through the atmosphere? Why are technetium and promethium radioactive? How is alpha radiation used in medicine? How do gamma rays interact with matter? Explore our homework questions and answers library Search Browse Browse by subject...
Why are technetium and promethium radioactive? Why does the strong nuclear force become repulsive? What is the nuclear equation for the decay of uranium-238? What is an example of radioactive decay? How does radioactive decay dating work? What is the radioactive decay law? What happens durin...
Is there life after technetium: what is the potential for developing new broad-based radionuclides? The use of radionuclides for medical and for a multitude of other basic research applications has continued to grow at a very rapid pace. Procedures, based......
it was artificially created — with technology.And people thought that synthesizing this element, making it artificially, was the only way to get it.We still hadn’t found it occurring in nature.Now, element 43, whether you call it masurium or technetium, is radioactive.Why does that matter...