Part C of Form 26AS has details of Tax Paid (other than TDS or TCS). If you have paidAdvance Tax or Self Assessment Tax itwill appear in this section.Please verify that advance tax or self assessment tax details are showing up in Form 26AS, If they don’t match with your details p...
There is a penalty for non-payment to the Government on the due date; then, he will be liable to pay interest of 1% per month.Lastly, in simple words, TDS is an expense deducted by payer or buyer, and TCS, on the other hand, is an income collected by payee or seller....
After his MBA from Indian Institute of Management Bangalore in 1985, he joined TCS, where he held positions of increasing responsibility and stature, including stints in the UK and the US. He is very passionate about education and is on the Advisory Board of Thiagarajar College of Engineering...