Streaming stats show us how many times your songs are listened to, but they can’t tell us how listeners are engaging with your music. For example, there’s a massive difference between hundreds of listeners streaming your tracks once and a couple of listeners streaming them hundreds of times...
All in all, many major streaming services, including Max, have grown more expensive in the past year, giving viewers all the more reason to cancel their accounts and think more carefully about who they subscribe to. That isn’t to say Max had a breezy year, as it lost 1.8 million subscr...
Social networks are increasingly part of our real lives. What began as occasional blog posting became hourly Twitter updates; Instagram photos replaced text updates; and then YouTube vlogs started to gain popularity. Now, the trend is live streaming. Services such as Periscope and Facebook Live h...
It's clear why Apple has been angling for a video-streaming presence. The company needs a way to grow revenue other than making its iPhone screen bigger, or raising the price on its trademark product. It can only do those things so many times. Streaming is appealing because the power in ...
The worst parts of streaming are what make money You may be shaking your fists at your computer (or phone) screen in anger, but again, the problem is these practices are working. These streaming services have never offered less for your dollar and they've also never made more mone...
Using your phone while it’s charging, whether for texting, streaming, or gaming, consumes power. This reduces the energy available to charge the battery, thus extending the time it takes to reach full charge. 6. Incompatible Charger Using a charger that doesn’t match your phone’s specifica...
Netflix is late to the game. Of course they should have gotten involved earlier. Sports is huge. We know the differentiator that it creates when we think of traditional cable providers and streaming services. But they're just late to the game and I have serious doub...
Before Swift’s decision, most people didn’t understand the difference between free streaming services and paid ones. It’s a big one: On Rhapsody, everyone who has full access to the 30 million-plus songs in our catalog pays for it, either directly or indirectly (for ins...
David Taylor, a marketing expert who helps startups via his consultancy,GROW: in London, knows the problems that 'growth hackers' can cause. "To say 'all growth hackers are bad' is wrong. But there are still too many bedroom gangsters out there selling a vision of utopia, promising clien...
All products and services should live and die by the experience of using them. So it's only fair to give Tidal a chance to impress. It's certainly not a bad music streaming service, but it offers nothing over and above the ordinary which you can get from countless other alternatives. ...