Whystockmarketscrash?Sornette’sargumentinhisbook/articleisasfollows:1.Themotionofstockmarketsarenotentirelyrandom inthe’normal’sense.2.Crashesinparticularare’abnormal’andhavea certainstatisticalsignature.3.Aplausiblemodeloftraderbehaviourduringcrashes isbasedon’copying’or’herdmentality’.4.Thestatistical...
Why Stock Markets Crash Why stock markets crash? Sornette’s argument in his book/article is as follows: The motion of stock markets are not entirely random in the ’normal’ sense. Crashes in particular are ’abnormal’ and have a certain statistical signature. A plausible model of trader ...
笔者刚刚拜读完《股市为什么会崩盘》(Why Stock Markets Crash)一书,忍不住给大家分享这本书中的奥秘。 发现经济泡沫并预测到其何时破裂需要极其敏锐的洞察力和前瞻性。如今在中国股市中,预测已成为热门话题,前有任泽平预测5000点不是梦(战熊檄文:论对熊市的最后一战),后有洪灏预测A股在最坏情况之下可能跌穿3000点...
外文文献: 石油价格波动的不对称在国际股市的影响Asymmetric Effects of Oil Price Fluctuations in International Stock Markets 热度: 页数:28 the stock market boom and crash of 1929 revisited eugene n:股市的繁荣与崩溃1929再访尤金n 热度: 页数:24 the information content of stock markets why do em...
Why Stock Markets Crash
美股股评家专题_中文字幕_--今日_s stock_ bond_ gold&bitcoin trends_星期三_ 3月24日2021 .mp4 59 -- 12:16 App 美股股评家专题_中文字幕_--由于中文内幕交易,Crypto Crash .mp4 8 -- 9:23 App 港股股评家--第288期:飞刀系列 第四季 ~ 徒手接 5把飞刀 9 -- 18:49 App 美股股评家专题--[...
股市为什么会崩盘 why stock markets crash 下载积分: 2100 内容提示: Why Stock Markets Crash 文档格式:PPT | 页数:29 | 浏览次数:49 | 上传日期:2019-11-24 18:18:30 | 文档星级: Why Stock Markets Crash 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 12 p. cad快捷大全 2 p. 黄石地貌地质公园便携式...
Physicists, geologists, biologists, economists, and others will welcome "Why Stock Markets Crash" as a highly original 'scientific tale', as Sornette aptly puts it, of the exciting and sometimes fearsome - but no longer quite so unfathomable - world of stock markets. Why Stock Markets Crash ...
Why stock market crash?答案是所有的股票崩盘都是相似的。不同于“幸福的家庭都是类似的,不幸的家庭各有各的不同。”股市的断崖式下跌都是表面看起来不同,但其具有相似性。正因为有相近的内在成因,所以股市中的崩盘才是可以预测的。这是我初读过《Why stock market crash? Critical event in complex financial ...
Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial SystemsWhy Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems, by Didier Sornette, 2003,...Gorvett, RickAmerican Risk and Insurance Association, Inc.Journal of Risk and Insurance...