Take Starbucks, for example. Of course, a cup of Starbucks Frappuccino is a great way to start your day, but so is coffee from any other cafe. So, what’s the difference? –The experience of having that coffee in a Starbucks cup that’s worthy of an Instagram story. Their brand exper...
In addition to the usual questions about customer satisfaction, Looka included an extra one that invites them to collaborate on a case study based on their experience. Try to: Keep track of your biggest fans; Turn their ideas into reality; Ask them for reviews or recommendations; Offer ...
It could be as simple as chiming in on seasonal trends like Dell does by commenting on Starbucks’ Fall flavors. CEOs and public figures You should also monitor mentions of public figures or spokespeople for your brand or a specific campaign. Make sure you’re monitoring conversations around ...
A local Starbucks can be a good place to go: as a rule, people are more likely to interact with strangers in cosy places with relaxed atmospheres. Besides, at Starbucks you can reward your interviewees with a muffin or a cup of coffee and increase your chances to steal a few precious m...
No need for that extra Starbucks gift card… Unless you want to surprise them with one after they’ve completed the survey. If that’s the case, they’ll sure be delighted to receive one ;-). Perfect for these industries:Technology & High Tech (esp. SaaS), Education, Internet Marketing...
Starbucks follows suit – it announced plans to phase out straws across its entire global operation by 2020 (straws are currently in 50% of its cold drinks). The switch will eliminate one billion straws per year. Best practice How to … be more human at work being smart isn't eno...
in domestic and foreign markets. Across six studies, we find that brand transgressions cause significantly higher and more persistent negative sentiment among domestic market consumers than among foreign ones (Study 1); lead to reputational and brand value damage, which is larger in magnitude, ...
This post has languished in my drafts folder for months, and even now I am hesitant about publishing it. But I’ll come clean while I still have the courage: I didn’t love Egypt. This is hard for me to write because I don’t want to offend anybody with my views, and in the ba...