Some people are night owls; some are early birds. You probably know which one you are, but did you know that there may be a biological reason why some people are out of bed at dawn while others prefer to burn the midnight oil?
why some people are out of bed so early in the morning w (3) others prefer to stay up late at night? One German scientist believes that people's body clocks are s (4) by their genes,and cannot be c (5) That means some people will r (6)their physical peak(生理巅峰)later in the...
Scientists have spent a long time looking at why some people are early birds, while others are night owls. They looked at a medical database with genetic information for hundreds of thousands of people. They compared ...
Most animals hunt when they are at an advantage. The case is similar with owls, who find it advantageous to hunt at night. Centuries of evolution have gifted owls with the right skills to hunt by night. Typical prey includes invertebrates and small mammals. Owls are nocturnal creatures to ...
Here are some reasons which make sense.D. Sleeping late does too much harm to our body.E. This helps the brain and body both function ata higher level.F. According to an Australian study, humanslearn better in the evening.G. Coffee makes morning people sleepless atnight, while all-night...
The rhythm of the internal clock changes as we grow older and especially when we are teenagers. Sometimes this circadian system gets stuck in the wrong place, causing some teens to stay up until the late hours of the night. The disorder is treatable without drugs by using a method called ...
Mental Health Being a Night Owl Can Shorten Your Life Mental Health Why are some people early birds and others are night owls? You May Like Meet the World's Smallest, Toughest Owl Explore More People Simile Examples in Literature and Everyday Language Pets The 8 Most Dangerous Animals To...
Thanks to such unusual looks and abilities, owls became known as mysterious animals. Over the centuries, lots of myths about them have been created. Some have described owls as the goddess of wisdom. Some say owls are witches in disguise. These stories have only made more people become intere...
Some people are sofull of life and energy, butfor some reasoneven when you seem to get more than enough sleep, you are stillfighting offyawnsandfatiguethrough the day. 有些人总是活力满满,但不知什么原因,你,即使睡的足够多,仍会成天打哈欠,感觉疲劳。
According to a new study published in the journal Nature Communications, people who are naturally early risers are less likely to develop mental health problems than those who go to bed late and sleep in - find out more