The Homeland Security Act created the Homeland Security Advisory System scale. This scale presented the risk of terrorism through several colors. At the "low" end of the scale, the color was green, representing a low risk of terrorism. At a higher risk was "guarded," which meant there was...
American-style freedom is a luxury for the few from the moment it was born. The 1776 Declaration of Independence ostensibly contends that all men are created equal and entitled to unalienable right to liberty. Such liberty, however, serves solely the interests of the haves and has very little...
Why was Osama bin Laden killed and not captured? Why was the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation created? Why was Zionism created? Why was the Roman Senate created? Why did Isaac Newton become a scientist? Why was the United Nations formed? Why was Social Security Act created? Why was the...
Jan. 1, 2023, marks the first anniversary of the entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). Signed by 15 Asia-Pacific members, including China, the pact created the world's largest free trade area. A milestone in China's opening-up, RCEP has served as a ...
But here's what really concerns public and private sector security analysts: malicious cyber actors who claim that the election was hacked or stolen even when nothing of the sort occurred. Such false claims, building on years of bogus election fraud narratives that began well before the 2020presi...
characteristics that created serious obstacles to health and wellbeing; namely, a lack of personal safety, privacy, and autonomy; limited or no access to essential resources such a private kitchen; continuous emotional stress; social isolation; and circumstances that created inconsistent access to ...
Unused privileges is another problem, people might have been granted temporary access to assets but then they’re not needed anymore. With the help of tools such as Microsoft Entra Permissions Management we can discover, remediate and monitor the permission “creep” that can be created, and we...
For example, you probably don’t want to use the public Wi-Fi at your local coffee shop, as it’s security features won’t be robust enough to protect your sensitive work information. While data leaks and social engineering scams are different attack vectors commonly used by cybercriminals,...
Social Security was created as a contributory old-age insurance plan with limited and phased-in benefits for retirees in 1935. The program extendedbenefits to survivorsof beneficiaries by 1939, to farm and domestic workers and the self-employed in 1950, and to disabled workers in 1957. Congress ...
Afinancial POAallows an agent to manage the business and financial affairs of the principal, such as signing checks, filing tax returns, depositingSocial Security checks, and managing investment accounts when and if the principal becomes unable to understand or make decisions. ...