Though we ought to pray simply out of obedience, God has desires prayer to be much more than heartless obedience. This article can’t possibly contain every biblical reason and motivation to pray, but here a few profoundly compelling reasons that speak to the question of, “Why do we pray?
Lastly, Pastor Appreciation Month offers a chance for us to pray for our pastors and their families. We can lift them up to God and ask for wisdom, strength, and guidance as they lead and serve the church. It’s also a time to lift any burdens they may be carrying and to ask for...
These verses explain how we should be as understanding of others as Jesus is of us. Luke 6:37explains: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” As Christ often demonstrated to us during His minis...
how many people understand that in the Bible, God’s Word, there are 365 verses that are consideredfear notverses. One for each day. One for each day that fear creeps into the mind of a believer. How many of us can say confidently that we are children of God,...
Here is a commentary of the verses given below which explains why we pray five specified times in a day: In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. So glorify God when you reach evening and when you rise in the morning; for all praise is His in the heavens and on earth, ...
could, in the blink of an eye, remove iman(faith) from our hearts, therefore we should always pray for steadfastness. Others may have a better connection with Allah than we do, thus we should never rush to the judgment of others or feel that we are better/superior than them. ...
SUMMARY:By reading our Bible, we can know God more. He speaks directly to us through His Word. The list above is certainly not a complete list of why we should read God’s Word daily because His Word has endless benefits; for this reason, I hope and pray that you will make a sure...
give him your warmest smile. Never hide your feelings from him.When I was desperate, I called out, and God got me out of a tight spot.God’s angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray.Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—how good God is. Blessed ...
Pray & Be Thankful YesterdayI talked about some of my favorite passages in Philippians. Today I want to share a few more from chapter 4. The first one is in verses 6-7: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made ...
The next issue ofThe Spirit Led Business™will be about Real Christianity, Christ’s Finished Work of Grace at the Cross and What it Did For You. Note: All Bible verses are from the New International Version unless otherwise noted. GNT = Good News Translation. NLT = New Living Translation...