She suggests that uniforms should not be mandatory for daily wear but should be worn on special occasions.MYERS, MARIE SAmericaMyers, M. S. (1963, November). Why Uniforms? America. America(109), 630-632.
School uniforms demand strict obedience in an environment with mandatory conformity. It becomes a question of values, and what parents want their children to learn, not just in an academic sense but in a moral way. Moving the emphasis away from academics and toward demanding conformity may negati...
Scienceshould be taught as a process of inquiry and shown how it can be used ineverydaydecisions.Historyshould be taught from the present backward: showing how the world is today and then explaining how it got that way. Englishclasses should cover public speaking and verbal communication as muc...
174 Words 1 Page Open Document Are school dress codes a good idea? Yes, dress codes are a good idea because without a dress codes people will go unformal to school . It is aloso a good idea because to school it is important be in a descent . It gives a good example to others to...
Should Students Wear School Uniforms? For many decades, schools have become about fashion rather than education. During this time, public schools have debated whether students should wear school uniforms. There are people who think that school uniforms should not be required to wear in school. On...
so I definitely could’ve done a lot in that time span, including ride many more minibuses and lose many more wallets). She said ok and hung up – I wasn’t sure if that was the right choice, or if I should’ve dropped everything to resolve this. In any case, all was not lost...