Most of the time, you don’t need to see a doctor about a bruise, but there are times that you should contact your doctor right away… If you have a bleeding disorder or are on a blood thinner and get a bruise, call your health-care provider or follow the protocol that he/she may...
Also, some younger patients' disease is still under control with standard medicines. Older ones are liable to complications, hematologists said. Those with significant organ damage, a history of stroke or infections such as HIV or hepatitis may not be eligible. "You have to ...
A. Anemia always results from some very simple cause. B. Anemia exists when the platelet count is so low that blood does not clot as quickly as it should. C. Anemia is said to exist when the total white blood cell is t a. Define anemia b. Define the type of anemia disorder. c. ...
It should also be noted that submarines communicate with other submarines and with ships using very low radio frequencies, because higher frequencies cannot pene-trate the water. Because the human being is 75 to 80 percent water, very low doses of medicines, such as those used in homeopathic m...
Reply to coolbluepk: As far as I know, there should be no compatibility problems. Compatibility problems only arise for your off-springs only when You are +ve and your Girl Friend is -ve. I Hope This answer will clear your doubts. ...
In the years before I started the AIP, I was always hungry, craving foods, no matter how much I ate. When I changed my diet, I lost the cravings, and slowly shifted to eating fewer meals a day. After every meal, I feel great, don’t crave any sweets, and I feel like I’ve...
Therefore, it is important to perform a complete blood count with peripheral blood smear in all neonates with DS. These tests should be repeated multiple times because up to 30% of patients with TAM syndrome may develop AMKL. Prevention carried out in this way can avoid delaying the diagnosis...