刚刚看了前两章,作者拒绝认同为feminist,主要是因为她觉得现在这种渴望让所有人都成为女权主义者的feminism是流于表面的,是不能让这个社会变得更好的。作者认为,推进universal feminism ("everyone should be a feminist")的方法无非是通过rebranding feminism,或者是劝说人们相信identify as feminists会让他们的生活更好。
Everyone Should Be A Feminist and Here’s Why “If your feminism isn’t intersectional, then it’s not feminism.” By Alison CaporimoUpdated: Mar 8, 2023 This content is imported from youTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find mo...
But I have never been a feminist, because, having experienced my mother's violence, I always knew that women can be as vicious and irresponsible as men. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the movement, which proclaimed that all men are potential rapists and batterers, was based...
As long as I can remember, I noticed how my dad played rock songs in the car. I asked him what some of the songs meant and well, they were misogynistic. I’m a big rock fan and I love Nirvana the most, because of his feminist views and his work/music. ...
So here are seven reasons why class is a feminist issue: 1. Classism Enables the Status Quo Money is really important. As I previously mentioned, living in a capitalism society means that we all need to have some sort of access to money in order to meet our basic needs. Even though fo...
23 Sex Positions to Help You Ring in the New Year These Christmas Pickup Lines Are Naughty and Nice The 7 Stages of Finding Your Twin Flame Into Self-Bondage? Read This First. ‘Tis the Season for Christmas Sex Positions I F*cked a Falconer at a Renaissance Faire ...
You might have seen slogans such as'Girl Power', 'The Future Is Female', 'This Is What a Feminist Looks Like'or'We Should All Be Feminists'on T-shirts worn by people whose good intentions we really don't question. Spreading an important message by wearing an empowering tee is appealing...
Women against feminism: Exploring discursive measures and implications of anti-feminist discourse The present paper studies anti-feminist discourse within the tumblr-based group Women Against Feminism, and explores how the sentiments of these anti-feminists, as expressed in a multi-modal format, may ...
Pressed why, Robbie’s Elizabeth declares: “I choose to be a man — and marriage is dangerous.” Left unstated: Her mother Anne Boleyn’s brutal fate after she fell out of favor with serial groom King Henry VIII. “What we have in this movie are two bright young women who...
power. Do not vote for them unless they work for us. Do not have sex with them, do not break bread with them, do not nurture them if they don’t prioritize our freedom to control our bodies and our lives. I am not a post-feminism feminist. I am the Third Wave.”–Rebecca Walker...