From the perspective of moral philosophy, this essay gets its starting - point by questioning "why should human beings be moral?" and tries to throw some light over the very question. By an interpretation of three key conceptions as good life , interests and humanity , the author claims that...
Students of philosophy have struggled with the question, “Why should I be moral?” Many diverse theorists have constructed elaborate logical arguments that explain why people in general should behave morally, but have had difficulty explaining why any given individual, safe from detection or ...
In fact, according to its supporters, normative behaviourism is an improvement of political realism since it solves two problems that allegedly face many realists, namely, the ‘legitimacy problem’, i.e., how we should distinguish genuine acceptance of a political system from false acceptance, ...
The author sides with the linguistic philosophers in that to analyse 'moral reasoning' is to provide a conceptual description of a prescriptive or normative area of language. He considers the question of why we should adopt a "moral point of view" in terms of toulmin (who thinks it is a ...
The question of “why be moral?” has been the leading problem in every moral philosophy since Socrates. Hume tackles this problem in the concluding chapter of An Enquiry concerning the Principle of Morals. Many commentators take it that Hume does not commit himself deeply to refuting the “sen...
That is, the model proposes that moral exemplars, in particular, integrate agency and communion in their psychological functioning. Most people, on the other hand, do not become highly virtuous partly because they developmentally stagnate, failing to integrate these motives. The majority of leaders ...
Why The Righteous Mind may be the best common reading for incoming college students How not to improve the moral ecology of campus How the Democrats Can Use Moral Foundations Theory Against Trump The politics of disgust animated for the age of Trump ...
of the family in Western Culture has a long history and it is part of our social identity. Families are a major source of practical support on a daily basis. The end result of this is greater social stability and less poverty. The impact of family on society should not be underestimated....
It’s human nature to strike first to protect ourselves from a potential threat. Meanwhile, in the case of vegans, they’re not actually as “aggressive” and “emotional” as their stereotype would indicate. So whether vegans protest,call out family at the dinner table, or try to avoid co...