and living with HIV commonly pushes PLWH to a lower or low socioeconomic status position for a variety of reasons including staying unemployed because of concerns about loss of disability income benefits or of publicly-funded health insurance, and fears of discrimination in the workplace [13]. Th...
Once you’re debt-free, you need a fully funded emergency fund of 3–6 months of expenses. How do you know if you should save up three months or six months of expenses? Good question! It really depends on your household and income. But here are some general rules to help you dec...
Universal health coverage (UHC)Social relations (SR) frameworkIndiaGender analysisBackground The continuing impetus for universal health coverage has given rise to publicly funded health insurance schemes in lower-middle income countries. However, there is insufficient understanding of how universal health ...
If you need medical care due to an accident or illness, you likely cannot work. Your health insurance covers medical bills but does not support your income. Extending Insurance Features Supplemental short-term disability can boost the income insurance you already have. Employer-funded, state-mandate...
Participants were also asked if they used the supplement for their own reasons or based on the advice of a health care provider. Self-reported exercise patterns were obtained from the physical activity questionnaire. Activity was classified as low, moderate, or high intensity. Alcohol use in the...
The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) is a not-for-profit, self-funded organization dedicated to enhancing public safety on behalf of the government of Ontario. TSSA’s Boilers and Pressure Vessels (BPV) Safety Program regulates all pressure-retaining components manufactured or used in...
“toward a bipartisan health-care reform bill” (read: less coverage and no public insurance option). TheWashington Postreports that the senators shared tales from their home states, where some have been besieged by protesters angry about a potential government takeover of the nation’s health ...
Allstate Benefits products give your employees the protection they want while keeping your bottom line in mind. Our supplemental offerings are employee-paid – but with the advantage of great group rates and convenient payroll deduction. And our Group Health Self-Funded Program helps you establish,...
Transgender individuals experience limited access to healthcare. This results not least from experiences of discrimination to which they are exposed in the health system. These contribute to transgender individuals having poorer health than cis individua
Social Security benefits are funded by a dedicated payroll tax paid by employees, employers, and the self-employed. Current taxes and any accumulated surplus fund everyone's benefits. Payroll tax contributions are not reserved for future payouts to the particular taxpayer. ...