Companies such asBlockTexxandEvrnuhave developed processes to recycle fibers from blended fabrics, though such recycled fibers aren’t yet widely available. Through a proprietary technology, BlockTexx separates cellulose (present in both cotton and linen) and polyester from textile and clothing waste fo...
Simplified description of the steps needed to recycle plastic bottles into new ones or clothes. Carbon footprint So where do all those mountains of unrecyclable polyester and mixed fabrics end up after Western consumers dutifully bring them to recycling bins? Nearly half of textile waste collected i...
Companies such asBlockTexxandEvrnuhave developed processes to recycle fibers from blended fabrics, though such recycled fibers aren't yet widely available. Through a proprietary technology, BlockTexx separates cellulose (present in both cotton and linen) and polyester from textile and clothing waste for...
In an ideal world, residential communities would coexist with green technologies that look to recycle and reuse backyard products such as grass clippings, old shrubs, hedge trimmings, tree limbs, etc. These green technologies look to mak... RJ Pope - 《Proceedings of the Water Environment Federat...
The federal government recently announced that it is giving recycling company ResourceCo a loan of A$30 million to build two waste-to-fuel plants producing "solid waste fuel".
4.Waste Research shows that the fashion business is one of themost polluting industries in the globe. According to the EPA data, in the U.S, an average person wastes 70 pounds of textile per year. Each year, clothing brands produce 13 million tons of waste each year, of which 95% can...
Currently, products often have several materials of different kinds either glued or molded together, and fulfilling different functions (in a sports shoe or multilayer car pipe, for example) and this makes them very hard to recycle. The same applies to the add...
Recycled polyester material, is a new type of recycled fabrics, the yarn is made from the waste of mineral water bottle and a coke bottle, also known as the coke bottle green cloth (RPET fabric). This product because it is the reuse of waste, so in ...
Sustana’s de-inking facilities do not employ elemental chlorine in their process. They also recirculate water 17 times before eventual disposal. The company has invested in specialized machines to remove the interior plastic liners from paper cups in order to recycle the cups’ paper exteri...
I suggest out of town supermarkets should be required to provide waste bins for all the packaging they produce. Customers can bring it along each time they come back to shop. Hopefully they will have an incentive to produce less and make the waste easier to recycle. ...