For me, there's nothing like reading a book – I love turning the pages and the smell of the paper. 对我来说,没有什么比读书更有趣的了——我喜欢翻页和闻纸张的味道。 But nowadays, the fact is that much of the time we read from electronic screens, not paper. 但如今,我们大部分时间都...
I like to read classic masterpieces and savor the charm and wisdom in them. 35.有时候,一本书的结局会让我感到心灵震撼,让我思绪万千。 Sometimes, the ending of a book can be heart-stirring, making my thoughts endless. 36.读书可以让我感到心灵上的满足和充实。 Reading can make me feel spiritu...
Why Read the Classics《为什么读经典》共36篇文章,论及31位经典作家及其作品,是进入经典世界非常好的入门书。在这里,卡尔维诺向我们开放他不拘一格、兼容并蓄的秘密书架,娓娓道来他的理想藏书。凭着热枕和智慧,卡尔维诺让文学作品在读者面前呈现千姿百态的魅力。没有学院术语和新闻报道的油嘴滑舌,博学而非炫学,充满...
一阶 审好题定方向①定主题:②定人称:③定时态:④定要点:⑤定立意:二阶列框架写句子开篇: I always read for pleas-ure/knowledge. ..正文: ①I usually read novels/storybooks/.. . in my free time.2I like reading while listen-ing to music.结尾:The importance of read-ing is. ..三阶 成...
A lot of stuff you read about procrastination focuses on the time management element of it. 很多关于拖延的资料都集中研究时间管理。 I probably got a better sense that for me it seems very squarely around the emotional aspect of it. 但我感觉,我拖延是因为情感方面的问题。 Perhaps I get more ...
the best reason is that simply choosing what you read and doing it by yourself means that it's something you do by and for yourself. You can choose what you want to read. It's hard work, but while you are reading, you'll find that what once seemed like a duty is now a pleasur...
Beyond the plays’ wonderful characters and storylines, part of the great pleasure of Shakespeare lies in becoming connected to the thousands, the millions of other people who have also read his plays and found something in them that illuminates their own lives—however vastly different all those ...
Beyond the plays’ wonderful characters and storylines, part of the great pleasure of Shakespeare lies in becoming connected to the thousands, the millions of other people who have also read his plays and found something in them that illuminates their own lives—however vastly different all those ...
Why I Read。 Reading has always been an important part of my life. I learned to read at a young age, and since then, I have been an avid reader. I read for pleasure, for knowledge, and for personal growth. In this essay, I will explain why I read and how it has impacted my li...
You can choose what you want to read. ④It is hard work, but while you are reading, you’ll find that what once seced like a duty is now a pleasure. Reading can bring us pleasure. 【小题1】请在①、②两处空白处各填入一个近当的词。① ② 【小题2】请将③处划钱句子译成汉语。