While QA ensures that processes are in place to produce quality outcomes, QC verifies that those outcomes meet established standards. This distinction is important for organizations to understand which teams to involve to ensure the product meets high standards of quality in their offerings. How to ...
Why having a QA Tester on your team is so important Pedro Gama· Follow Published in Runtime Revolution · 4 min read ·Nov 22, 2021 -- First and foremost, so we get any confusion or misconception out of the way, what is a QA tester? A QA (Quality Assurance) tester, in softwar...
Having a risk management planin place is especially important when it comes to app development andsoftware engineering.App developers and business analysts must be able to identify risks quickly and effectively. If these risks are not addressed, they affect the quality of the software, app performan...
testing team, etc. The testing team is composed of a group of testers who work together without the mediation of the developer and manger by the QA manager of the QA lead. In the case of the agile project methodology, the term testing team is totally missing and there is no testers...
verify that these are met throughout the product lifecycle, including design, development, distribution, and support. Your whole QA process should be globalized for the best result, with all the international requirements baked in before any testing is done. This article describes what that entails...
There’s a lot to unpack here. Let’s start with this: what is “QA”? If “QA” is quality assurance, then it’s important to figure out who, or what, assures quality—value to some person(s) who matter(s). Confusion abounds when “QA” is used as a misnomer for testing. Test...
In an organizational chain of command, the decision-making power is heavily concentrated at the top and begins to dwindle as you move further down. This means that there’s an inherent disconnect between the top & bottom of the chain because the people making all the important decisions are ...
Working in an Agile environment, you may often underestimate the significance of code reviewing process. You may think code reviewing is going to be time-consuming, especially when you are running short on deadlines. However, this is where it becomes all the more important. The sooner you revie...
Containerizationis an approach to software development that isolates processes that share an OS kernel -- unlike virtual machines (VMs), which require their own -- and binds application libraries and dependencies into one deployable unit. This makes containers lightweight to run, as they require on...
1. Why is software quality important? For the last decade, organizations have focused on releasing new apps and services as quickly as possible to keep up with rapidly changing demands and support digital transformation. However, with the push for speed of delivery, software quality has often lag...