Certainly not what modern gear should look like. 8 Nuwala 2220 posts 70 Orc Hunter 725 Feb 2023 Sevilika: Cutting straight to the point It’s largely due to it’s rather dated formula and game design no. its the constant changing on unnecessary things. removal of stuff people loved and...
It is really been a while since I see an elementalist dps spec in pugs. Even in speedclear groups going for record, NO ONE WOULD PLAY ELE as dps. Right now it is scourge wars 2/firebrand wars 2 in PVE. Firebrand has 40k+ benchmark too, even by afking for 3 second during rotation...
You see, the reason why I had fun while gaming WoW was because of my mates in TS or even those stupid PuGs and randoms who did stupid stuff that was so incredibly silly that we just had to laugh. So my endgame was hanging around with peeps in voice chats doing more or less funny...
More often than not, a dog that tilts their head is behaving normally, and you should have no cause for concern. A healthy dog will tilt their head in response to some level of noise. However, sometimes a dog tilts their head because of a health issue about which you should be aware....
@Blumpf.2518 said:In theory yes, but in reality people are stupid and snowcrows should consider this and maybe offer LFG builds and LFG raid setups for the average players. It’s not on them to do this. Quote Since they are the meta they have some responsibility and should not, ev...
i know this is not a fair play but its game mechanics. Thus SBMM=EOMM. I always have low-level teammates.Why is that ? Why do I always have to carry the team ? If I had some good teammates, I would go above the plat rank. Below are 3 sample screenshots. these are just...