预言彼得不认主 27耶稣对他们说:“你们都要跌倒了,因为经上记着说:‘我要击打牧人,羊就分散了。’28但我复活以后,要在你们以先往加利利去。”29彼得说:“众人虽然跌倒,我总不能。”30耶稣对他说:“我实在告诉你:就在今天夜里,鸡叫两遍以先,你要三次不...
aToday, every time we pray or ask, we finished off with “in Jesus Name”. Why? …. Bible says so….or we simply follow everyone else or the prayer becomes void when we forget to say “In Jesus Name”. There is more to it. 今天,在我们祈祷或要求时候,我们完成了与“在耶稣名字”。
They reject the truth and try to disregard the scriptures. Therefore those who believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, pray like you've never prayed before! We know that the last days are upon us and major changes are happening in the world even as you read this feeble ...
In today’s reading, God said this: For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life (Lev. 17.11). John MacArthur in his Daily Bible notes says: This phra...
Is The Bible True? Many of us go to church every Sunday and pray before we go to bed every night. We do not think of reading the Bible very often. The Bible is the reason why we go to church and why we pray. I think that the Bible is true. Although there are some things in ...
First : The Authenticity of the Bible Second: The Deity ofChristor to make it simpler The Inspiration of the Word of God and The Incarnation of the Son of God Before we start I would like, first of all, to read to you a portion of scripture taken from the second epistle of Peter ...
SUMMARY:By reading our Bible, we can know God more. He speaks directly to us through His Word. The list above is certainly not a complete list of why we should read God’s Word daily because His Word has endless benefits; for this reason, I hope and pray that you will make a sure...
my highest priority in all my writings is to ensure that you will escape the wrath of God (Rom 2). That is why I pray that you put your trust in the Savior, Jesus Christ, right here and now. If you have not done so yet, then Jesus Christ will not be your Savior…He will be ...
Satanist Jews like the WEF's Yuval Harari say we have no soul. "Free will, that's over!" Are you going to cower before these psychopaths and their gofers, our leaders? They will not succeed. We are at a tipping point. The pendulum is swinging back to sanity, God's Plan. ...
What the Bible Says about How Prayer Changes Things: “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” (James 5:16)