A Student's Perspective For a student project, I am currently prototyping a device to automatically evaporate condensation from bathroom mirrors. In the process, I have used components of the Analog Devices' Engineering University Program, including the Analog Discovery design kit, WaveForms software,...
Asynchronous Granular - In this mode, the oscillator output is generated from many small bursts, or 'grains' of sound. The 'Waveform' control selects the wavecycle waveform used as the grain source. The additional controls in this mode are: 'Grain Lz' controls the average number of grains ...
heat (energy) is conserved. If you put a cold object next to a hot object, the caloric in the hot object will spread out to the cold object until they reach the same temperature. When air expands, the caloric is spread out more thinly, thus the temperature drops...
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity reverser is generic (nbits : positive := 4); port (vi : in std_logic_vector(nbits-1 downto 0); en : std_logic; vo : out std_logic_vector(nbits-1 downto 0)); end entity reverser; architecture RTL of reverser is begin process(...
“feature phones”. The market for feature phones is largely insensitive to improvements in CPU technology; you don’t need a GHz-class CPU to drive the simple UIs found on feature phones. Thus, the same core chipset can be re-used for years with little adverse impact on demand or ...