Some foods contain green (or blue and yellow) food coloring that may turn your poop green. These dyes are sometimes used in canned green peas, green beer, breakfast cereal, candy, jarred pickles, salad dressing, drinks, icing, and sweets. You’ll also see these dyes in holiday food. A ...
Just like your aquarium’s other inhabitants, freshwater snails also produce waste. Their digestive tracts are only short, so they poop constantly. This poop is a little unsightly but it’s great fertiliser foraquarium plants, containing the three main nutrients – nitrogen, phosphorus, and potass...
This Is Why Dogs Spin Around Before They PoopMost dog owners have probably been puzzled and possibly impatient waiting for their dog to do its business. Instead of just finding a soft area of grass to go number two, they make a whole ritual out of it, spinning in a circle before finally...
A solvated electron is a free electron in (solvated in) a solution, and is the smallest possible anion. ... Alkali metals dissolve in liquid ammonia giving deep blue solutions, which conduct electricity. The blue colour of the solution isdue to ammoniated electrons, which absorb energy in th...
What is the difference between borscht and borsch? Meanwhile, Russian-language Wikipedia says: “Borsch is atype of beet-based soup, giving it a characteristic red colour. ... Meanwhile, the common English spelling of borscht (with a “t”) derives from the Yiddish transliteration, since the...
Like, you can hardly pop down the local shop or order off a website when you’re in the middle of a situation and someone is trying to kill you. . The screeching scene when the shop doesn’t have the exact brand and colour of lipstick I’m after? Same thing only men don’t...
Suddenly we have a baby who poops and cries, and we are trying to calm, clean up, and pin things together all at once. Then as fast as we learn to cope--so soon--it is hard to recall why diapers ever seemed so important. The frontiers change, and now perhaps we have a teenager...