Separately, Samantha Vortherms, assistant professor of political science at the University of California, Irvine, and Jiakun Jack Zhang, assistant professor of East Asian politics at the University of Kansas, found that the US-China trade war had not prompted US businesses to leave the Chinese mar...
The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influ...
The thesis of this book can be simply stated: political parties are a necessary, important and imperfect feature of British government today. This is the problem of party government. Parties are necessary because opinion must be organized if anything resembling representative government is to exist;...
it's a remarkable system that we have that when you have somebody by a few votes win the popular vote and somebody win the electoral vote that they say, "Yeah, I got it and I'll step away and I'll operate by that," that can't be taken for granted. So these things exist. You...
Xi has repeatedly expressed his firm determination to promote common development and build an open world economy in the face of rising unilateralism. "Development is the right of all countries, rather than an exclusive privilege of the few," Xi said at the CPC and World Political Parties Summit...
How do deindividuation, groupthink and group polarization exist? How are group polarization and groupthink the same? How do groupthink and group polarization differ? What factors might encourage you to develop a heterogeneous group rather than a homogeneous group? Explain your response. ...
As has often been noted, “majority rule” in the political sense does not exist in the way it is presented by the dominant institutions of Western so-called “democracies.” The Western public’s resistance to criticism of “democracy” is, therefore, r
but the country ceased to exist just a few months earlier, so we were, in fact, stateless. I spoke some English, but I had never met a native English speaker. As far as I remember, I had met only one foreigner before — a German scientist who came to visit the research institute wh...
But this was also a key reason, a key problem of military alliances. We lost the reason to exist after the 90s. This is a problem when peace breaks out, the market value of a military alliance collapses. And that’s when the, that’s when NATO actually had ...
Why does the death penalty exist? How does family influence political ideology? Why do people form governments? Why do people join social movements? Explain the main ways in which the concept of the family has changed over time and across cultures. ...