Lucas, Gavin
People hate this type of stunt. And yes, it is a stunt. To help illustrate my point, I want to point out that one of the most upvoted posts of all time on Reddit’sr/ProgrammerHumorwas a rail against this very thing: He would rather have crypto mining than an autoplay video? That’...
The Bergman movie for people who hate Bergman movies--no symbolism, no spiritual agony, just a very real husband and wife (Max von Sydow and Liv Ullmann) trying to stay alive when war suddenly explodes right into their front yard (the country this takes place in is unspecified). What happ...
A lot of the people who would want to watch these would be people who like the original story. So, why do they do that? One reason I can think of is maybe to shorten it. Some books are really long, and maybe a movie can't show the whole book. my ...
Without that WYSIWYG becomes a defunct idea.<BR><BR>I particularly hate the mishmash on the web of pixels for images and points for fonts, as between platforms you can no longer get a common experience (even a scalar one). Basically there is no OS yet that has moved to purely vector ...
people might sceptic at first, but if you cannot persuade them here, you can also persuade them with your books. :) Do as you wish – just like in TNS – since what I personally hate is, when somebody follows a trend out of fashion, because “it made other people successful”. So,...
In the gloves-off world of internet “discussion,” most of the criticisms were, predictably, empty ad hominems directed at Rhinehart and the people who like his idea —“Too lazy to cook,”“Hate life so much they detest even food,”“Self-loathing hipsters who would give up their last...
@Anne: visit the Articulate Community Forums. There’s a lot of good people in there. @K Jacobs: I hate to cut and paste as well. When I did, it was because my clients gave content to me that had to be cut and pasted. In those cases, it didn’t matter if we were using a ra...
I want people to consume the creative works of others. I want people to listen to music, even if I don’t enjoy what they’re listening to. I want people to go to the theater, even if I hate the play. I want people to go to the ballet, even though it bores me to tears. And...