Interestingly, Torvalds says that, canonically, Tux isn't a real penguin at all. "The Linux penguin is not exactly anatomically correct," he told us. "It's very much a plush toy kind of thing (and in fact, people ended up making plush toys based on it, and not just for Linux confe...
Beware the penguin Why Linux has Palm, Apple and Microsoft fearing the underdogsCLIFF EDWARDS
Some Linux users have a habit of boasting: “I use Linux, and I am superior to you. I can handle the terminal much better. Linux is everywhere – in your wristwatch, mobile phone, remote control. Hackers use Linux. You can do many things with Linux that you can’t with Windows or ...
Forum Penguin 4.1k 25 PostedApril 17 On 4/18/2024 at 2:25 AM,CosmicEmotionsaid: Tell me you've never used Linux without telling me you've never used Linux. Or even a Steam Deck for that matter. Some people are just confidently wrong. They believe what they say and say it confidently...
Roger Comply at Paranoid Penguin has a full review of Arch Linux: Arch is extremely fast and responsive and I have yet to experience a single application crash. This is highly unusual for me in my KDE endeavors so I’m both surprised and impressed with how well the system has performed. ...
One of CasaOS’ biggest strengths is how easy it is to install the platform on your system. For Linux distro users, you can run thewget -qO- | sudo bashscript and watch the magic happen right before your eyes. Meanwhile, members of theWindows 11team can deploy...
Everyone’s use cases are different of course. So I’m not suggesting that every Chromebook user should be running Linux apps. I still think it’sa good idea for several reasons. But that’s not what this post is about. It’s about how I’ve been able to get more from my Chromebook...
[root@htf-vpenguin02:/root]# fence_cisco_ucs -o status -a -l Linux -p L1nux@dm1n -z -u 443 -n R1-Linux-KVM11 --suborg="/org-Linux" -v Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/sbin/fence_cisco_ucs", line 147, in <module> main() File "/usr/sbin/fence_cisco_ucs...
Don't mess with the penguin.Credit:Aurich Lawson Those differences show just how much Valve has learned about creating a competitive gaming OS since it first created SteamOSas a hedge against (misguided, in retrospect) fears of Windows 8 Store hegemony. Back then, Valve pretty much dumped its...
When the idea of having a Linux logo came up, he suggested a cute, friendly little penguin as the mascot. He said it was more interesting and fun because you can do things with a mascot like that which you simply can't do with a rectangle that says "LINUX." The penguin's name is...