辉瑞新冠神药Paxlovid这几天出了名。但听说有人说要把它用于重症患者,这是不对的。这种药有效是有症状的前5天,最好是前3天。疗效是在染上初期尽量减少病毒,从而不会转为重症。而且这种药是给有基础病或老年人所用,一般人即使染上也不会转为重症。在找看有没有片子可以翻一下。 û收藏...
better known as Paxlovid. By day 4, his symptoms had resolved and he tested negative for COVID-19. After testing negative again on day 5, he ended his isolation from his family but continued to test daily.
death rates in elderly homes went up by a factor of 5 after the shots rolled out. Each time the shots are given, the deaths spike. Nobody is talking publicly about this. It’s not allowed.