剑7test2雅思阅读passage1原文+翻译:为什么日本宝塔不会塌 相关的解析,请点击: 剑桥雅思7阅读+答案解析test2passage1 、 以下是该篇原文:剑7test2雅思阅读passage1原文+翻译:Why pagodas don’t fall down Why pagodas don’t fall down In a land swept by typhoons and shaken by earthquakes, how have Japan...
Why Pagodas Don't Fall Down 显示生词显示重点词 本文词汇 Tip:单击查看句义;划选/双击查生词 In a land swept by typhoons and shaken by earthquakes, how have Japan's tallest and seemingly flimsiest old buildings - 500 or so wooden pagodas - remained standing for centuries?Records show that only...
剑桥雅思7Test2阅读Passage1答案解析 Why pagodas don’t fall down 日本高塔为何屹立不倒 剑桥雅思7 Test 2 Passage 1阅读原文翻译 第1自然段 In a land swept by typhoons and shaken by earthquakes, how have Japan’s tallest and seemingly flimsiest old buildings – 500 or so wooden pagodas – remain...
答案解析:这句话描述了日本宝塔和中国宝塔在覆盖屋檐时所选用材料的不同,日本的瓷砖要更重一些。可见屋檐上的瓷砖是两者都有的,因此判断答案为A。 第7题答案:B 对应原文:第4段: The Chinese built their pagodas … and used them in later centuries mainly as watchtowers … because the Japanese pagoda did...
课件Why pagodas don’t fall down?? In a land swept by typhoons and shaken by earthquakes, how have Japans tallest and seemingly flimsiest old buildings - 500 or so wooden pagodas - remained standing for centuries? Records show that only two have collapsed during the past 1400 years. Those...
7.2.1 Why pagodas don't fall down 一起背英语单词共计2条视频,包括:7.2.1 L1 Why pagodas don't fall down、7.2.1 L2 Why pagodas don't fall down等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
终雅思阅读及题解Why pagodas don’t fall down演示版.pdf,.. .. Why pagodas don’t fall down In a land swept by typhoons and shaken by earthquakes, how have Japans tallest and seemingly flimsiest old buildings - 500 or so wooden pagodas - remained standing
解题思路: 联系上一段最后一句:Pagodas in China and Korea have nothing like the overhang that is found on pagodas in Japan. 两句综合在一起,表明只有日本宝塔有悬空的屋檐,而且日本寺庙建筑的屋檐悬于建筑物的侧面之外部分的宽度可以达到建筑物总宽的一半或更多。因此屋檐宽度超过建筑物宽度一半的当然只有日本...
Why pagodas don’t fall down A In a land swept by typhoons and shaken by earthquakes, how have Japan's tallest and seeminglyflimsiest 不结实的; 易损坏的(原型flimsy)old buildings — 500 or so wooden pagodas 宝塔— remained standing for centuries? Records show that only two have collapsed du...